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In that day when we shall see the tapestry which records our lives, we shall see all the scenes therein with wondering eye; we shall see what wisdom, what love, what tenderness, what care was lavished upon them. When once a matter is in God's hand it is never neglected or forgotten, but it is carried out to the end.”  ~ Spurgeon


About me

My name is Lex. Simply an average college graduate, who loves photography, graphic design, social media aesthetics, writing, and all things chocolate. 


My current passion is capturing vintage, film-style photos with a digital lens, creating timeless moments in the present day.


A little about me: I am a Christian, saved by grace alone in Christ alone. I hope to reflect and honor God in my photography because He is the Creator of all the beauty we see around us. The large open skies, each orderly sunrise and sunset, the intricacy in the smallest flowers, and each genuine bout of smiles and laughter.


I will be traveling from coast to coast, exploring the culture, the hidden caves carved long ago by God's hand and just slowing down to capture the history in the details which are overlooked in our hurried lives.


I'll share with you how I see the world through my lens.




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"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

1 Corinthians 10:31b

Office Hours
Mon-Fri 10am - 5pm
Please allow 24-48 hours for inquiry responses
Alexa Caroline Photography
California | Pennsylvania
Photogrpaher | Graphic Designer | Writer
Fill Out the Form by clicking here
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